
Taxable Income

IRS Refund

Once you file your income tax return, the most you will have to wait for your IRS refund is 21 days. If you want to have a constant update while waiting for it, the Internal Revenue Service has provided an avenue where you can receive constant, 24/7 updates regarding your IRS refund. After 24 hours …

Tax File

The IRS has now provided its taxpayers with a tool to lodge their income tax returns for free. Called the Free File, you can electronically file your income tax return for free using the online forms. The tax file process involves a three-step process which is easy to follow. First involves getting …

How To File Taxes

It is the duty of every citizen to file their income tax return every year. Here are a few tips how to file taxes using easy and simple steps. Before you file your income tax return, you have to find out first if there are tax exemptions that apply to you. For example, people belonging to the low in…