
1040ez Form 2012

Tax filers in the United States can readily get their 1040 ez Form 2012 from the IRS web site. You can download this in PDF form and free of charge. There are also other web sites authorised by the IRS where this form is available. The 1040 ez Form 2012 is for those who are filing their income tax as a married couple or as a single. If you have no dependents or is not making any adjustment claims to your income, then this form is also for you. Other groups of people who can use this form includes those who have a taxable income less than $100,000; you are under 65 and not blind at the end of the year; you only received wages, salaries, tips, taxable scholarship or fellowship grants, unemployment compensation, or Alaska Permanent Fund dividends, and your taxable interest was not over $1,500; and you haven’t received any advance earned income credit payments. For more information about the 1040 ez Form 2012, the IRS web site has information about it.