
Corporate Tax

Here you will find useful information related to managing and filing corporate taxes.

Income Tax Brackets

2012 will be the final year in which the assumed tax cuts placed in effect by George Bush will remain in effect, until the Congress decides to extend them further. If the tax cut options placed in effect by George Bush, the income tax brackets are likely to increase substantially. At this moment, th…

Capital Gains Tax Rate 2011

Capital gain or capital loss is best explained as the difference between the amounts you sold your stocks or property and the amount you bought it. It is further categorised as long-term and short-term because they are based on the length of time you have the property before you sold it. For further…


The Unlimited Savings Allowance or most popularly known as the USA Tax, is a bill passed by the United States Congress which changed tax laws. In layman’s terms, the USA Tax is the progressive consumption tax imposed on households and a value-added tax on businesses. The tax base of the USA Tax is c…

Corporate Tax Rates By Country

Determining the tax rates in every state of the USA is complicated enough, how much more the corporate tax rates by country? The taxes which corporations pay are determined in various ways. This includes the entirety of taxes which are paid as percentage of the company’s profits and the marginal cor…

Important IRS Dates

Use this calendar to keep track of important IRS tax dates and deadlines for forms' submission. You can also add this to your calendar by clicking on the + icon.

Should You Outsource Your Bookkeeping?

For everything from small businesses to large corporations, outsourcing bookkeeping can make sense for a variety of reasons. Bookkeeping is a fairly complicated task that isn't always best suited to internal departments. Not only does an outsourced company provide vitally needed third-party review, …