
Tax Preparer

If you are a tax preparer or are thinking of becoming one, this section will provide guidance on how start tax preparation business. You can also search for other tax preparers in your area to see what they are doing.

Instant Tax Service

Instant Tax Service is an income tax franchise in the United States which ranked as the 93rd fastest growing company in the United States bagging several awards from different agencies.  It provides fast income tax preparation to its clients by providing several flexible options, such as the electro…

Small Business Accounting

Small Business Accounting provides tax and accounting services to different types of people who simply don’t have time to sort out their accounting and taxation needs. Whether you are a self-employed individual or somebody who runs a mid-sized company, Small Business Accounting has an army of tax ex…

Online Accounting

Although there is no standard definition to what it really is, online accounting is simply the use of Internet technologies to the traditional accounting function. It is similar to email as opposed to traditional mail. Thus, traceable accounting processes used in electronic accounting are similar to…

How To Start A Tax Preparer Business

Here's some tips having started different businesses over the last 4 years.

How to Find the Right Accountant

Are there any quality tax services near me? Who provides professional tax preparation near me? If you are asking yourself these questions, then you should know that seeking the services of the right accountant is no different than searching for other types of professional services. You need to shop…

The Benefits of Hiring a CPA for Your Business

Because you are a responsible business owner, the accounting and tax aspects of your business will always be a concern to you. Complications with that part of your business can be expensive and time-consuming to resolve, which is why you want to make sure they are always appropriately handled. You m…

How to Advertise a Tax Preparation Service

In the past, tax preparation services have often survived primarily based on word of mouth. Today, however, there are many competing services available -- sometimes even on a national or global scale. For a tax preparation service to grow its client base, it needs to be able to market itself as exce…

The Good, Bad, and Ugly of the Ever-changing Tax Preparation Business: What You Need to Know

Everyday people are looking for new and innovative ways to earn a second income. Whether it’s driving strangers around town with Uber or becoming a grocery shopper delivering groceries door to door to customers with Shipt, there’s no shortage of work for those looking to hustle. However, for accoun…

How to Super Effectively Market Your Accounting Business Today

When you’re either starting or expanding your accounting business, obtaining that first client can be pretty rough endeavor. You’ll often hear more ‘no’s’ than yeses and prospects won’t dare return your phone calls or e-mails. You must have thick skin as they say to build your own business. Think ab…

Five Rock Solid Cloud Accounting Tips You Can Benefit from Right Now and How to Convert

Technology continues to evolve all around us and the accounting world is no different. Gone are the days of limited access to client files and reports on a single, onsite computer application, dealing with constrains regarding the timeliness of accounting information and storing client documentation…