
State Taxes

Minnesota Tax Forms

Whether you are an individual taxpayer or a professional taxpayer in Minnesota, you are required to file your income tax for the current year on or before April 12. You can download your Minnesota tax forms from authorized sites or from the tax information site of Minnesota. Not only can you find th…

California Tax Brackets

The California tax brackets are divided into seven marginal brackets which range between 1.00 percent and 10.30 percent, the rates of which apply to the appropriate marginal tax bracket. The rate of inflation in the California tax brackets until 2012 is at 1.9 percent. Technically, however, you pay …

Tax Rate In California

The tax rate in California in terms of individual income tax is considered as the second highest tax rate in the US which is at 10.3 percent if you have earnings that exceed $1 million. Under California law, S corporations, such as sole proprietorship and small businesses, pay the same rate as indiv…

State Tax Rates

State tax rates differ the same way laws differ in every state. You can have get information regarding the tax rates in the state where you live in the tax department website of your state government. On the other hand, the Federal Tax Administrators have provided information on the various state ta…